The KVK has taken up several activities as follows for disseminating latest advancement in Agriculture and allied sector to the farming community of the area.
- Short/long duration on and off campus training programmes for farmers, farm women school dropouts rural youth and extension personal.
- Conduct front line demonstration to demonstrate the first time the new technology before being fed into the main line extension system.
- Conduct on farm testing by the scientist with close coordination of the farmer which need slide modification and refinement in exiting technology.
- Advisory services to the farmers to resolving the field problems.
- Diagnostic services to the farmers.
a. Scientist visit to farmers field.
b. Farmers visit to KVK. - SMS services for the farmers (Text/Voice).
- Development of Agriculture literature in local language.
- Animal and Soil health camps.
- Campaign, Radio talk, TV Show, Kisan gosthi, Kisan Mela, film show, exhibitions, Night gosthi, group meeting, method demonstration.
- Exposure visit for farmers, farmwomen and rural youth.
- Formation of SHG, TTC,FIG etc. <!--?php-->