Thrust Area
Crop/Enterprise | Thrust Area |
Cotton, Guar, Moong, Moth, Wheat, Gram, Mustard, Barley | To increase the productivity of major field crops and encouraging farmers for sustainable agriculture through natural farming system using compost vermi compost, FYM and moisture conservation technology. |
Cotton, Guar, Moong, Moth, Wheat, Gram, Mustard, Barley | Encouraging farmers for seed production to obtain good quality seed. |
Seed production | |
Beekeeping & Mushroom cultivation | To motivate the farmers for income generation through Bee- keeping and mushroom cultivation. |
Kinno, Malta, Pomegranate, Aonla, Ber, Carrot, Methi, Onion, Muskmelon, Garlic, | To extend the area under fruit orchards and techniques in nursery raising and its proper management. |
Fish Farming | To motivate the farmers for fish farming and fish seed production. |
Animal Production | To motivate the farmers, youths and farm women for dairy, goat, poultry and pig farming for self employment and income generation. |
Income generating activities for farm women & rural youth | Introducing employment generation activities for farm women like fruit and vegetable preservation, tailoring, embroidery, soft toys making etc. |